
The group 's domestic preparation management quality analysis meeting and seed dressing summary meeting were successfully held.

In order to improve the quality of management, strengthen responsibility, summarize the experience and gain and loss of domestic preparation marketing and seed dressing in 2022, and promote the achievement of the goal of 2023, on the morning of February 5, the group 's domestic preparation management quality analysis meeting and seed dressing summary meeting were held in the meeting room on the eighth floor of the headquarters. The chairman and president of the group attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. The provincial managers and above of domestic preparations, the heads of various departments of the group closely supported the domestic preparations business, and the employee representatives who participated in the 2022 seed dressing activities attended the meeting and listened carefully to the spirit of the meeting.

The conference was held on time at 9 : 30, and was presided over by Niu Jingang, general manager of Qingdao Haikangfeng / Huaxitian Co., Ltd. The conference first collectively studied the corporate culture and cast the soul with culture. At the meeting, Peng Jianchun, Minister of Group Management, publicized and summarized the problems found in the daily return visit and seed dressing survey in 2022, so that all the staff had a consensus on the existing problems and helped to promote the solution of the problems. Wang Jianyong, Director of Finance Department of Agricultural Materials Company of Group Financial Sharing Center, explained the problems and typical cases found in the financial reconciliation of domestic preparation market in 2022. Subsequently, for the problems of service and promotion, inventory, channel protection, market personnel stability and other issues that reflect more, the general managers of each brand responded to feedback, made a commitment to high-quality operation in 2023, and proposed measures, processes, systems, etc.

In the summary of seed dressing service in 2022, under the impetus of the group 's appeal, the logistics personnel in 2022 actively responded to the initiative of the market to support the first-line seed dressing activities. Among them, the support rate of the Ministry of Human Development, the purchasing department, the financial sharing center, the preparation institute, the management department, the analysis and testing institute and other departments reached more than 60 %. Shu Zhaobin came to power and awarded the ' seed dressing service support award ' to the above six teams. In the seed dressing service, there are also a large number of excellent teams and individuals who are not afraid of hardship, not afraid of dirt, not afraid of tiredness, actively help customers reduce inventory and pull sales, and obtain high customer satisfaction research and outstanding seed dressing. It fully reflects the spirit and excellent quality of our Hailer people who can bear hardships and fight hard battles. The president and chairman took the stage to give them awards and encouragement.

Although the seed dressing service is only a collective market service support action, it fully reflects the determination of our Hailir people to serve customers and the same desire. All the participants reviewed the wonderful moments of seed dressing through video. Subsequently, Shu Zhaobin called on everyone to think carefully and stimulate themselves, cherish the value brought by the position, continue to grow and break through in their own positions, and create greater value for market development and group development.

In the warm applause, the group president made an important speech. The president first affirmed the strong support and positive performance of the logistics support department in the seed dressing activities, and proposed that ' in the current situation, we must make every effort to promote sales and market, need to work harder to promote, to connect with customers, and have higher goals and requirements '. The president requires that we should improve the systematic operation, draw inferences from one instance to solve the problem fundamentally, make more use of the information technology that is constantly improving, and make more use of the tools of ' four doings and two fears '. The president stressed that supervisors at all levels must strengthen the training, training and stability of personnel, and must take the construction team as one of the important contents of their work. Finally, the president hopes that the marketing generals will pick up their spirits and the logistics support department will go all out to support the marketing generals and have a successful 2023.

Finally, the chairman of the group made a summary speech. The chairman of the board of directors put forward that the key to a person 's success is to understand and experience, and to seek inwards when encountering problems. The difference between people is the difference in spiritual quality. Based on this, the chairman put forward two key words for pesticide sales : one is hard work, the other is effective service. The chairman of the board asked the marketing soldiers to base on the basic point of good management, use the management tool ' four do two fears ', and adhere to long-termism. For seed dressing activities, the chairman strongly supports and affirms, and proposes that this is an important action to carry out experiential marketing, enable all staff to have marketing awareness, be able to understand each other and reach consensus and support each other. It is necessary to sum up experience and continue to carry out every year. Finally, the chairman expects everyone to be safe in 2023, truly make a performance, and make the industry proud of us.

This conference found deficiencies from the problems, found the direction from the measures, and drew strength from the example. It is believed that in the new year, under the leadership of the chairman and president, and with the full support of the logistics system, the majority of Hailir marketing officers will truly do a good job in service, truly revere orders, achieve Hailir 's 2023 annual sales goals, and contribute to Hailir 's comprehensive high-quality development !