The National Commission on Biotechnology (Conabia) from Argentina approved two new transgenic events in soy and corn this week.

Conabia celebrated its 25th anniversary. The main activity of this state agency is to evaluate all genetically modified crops before they are launched in the market, which guarantees safety of all products to the environment and the people in Argentina. It is made up of representatives from the public and private sectors. In addition, it is the only biosafety commission recognized as a reference by FAO.

Argentina is one of the world's leaders in the use, regulation and development of biotechnology. In terms of area planted, Argentina is in third place worldwide after the United States and Brazil. Recently, two more soybean events were approved and they are already approaching the 40 that were already authorized in the country and a third which were under the mandate. Argentina is one of the few countries that has its own developments of transgenic crops such as drought-tolerant crops or potatoes resistant to viruses. There are more countries with a satellite in space or with nuclear power stations than countries that have their own transgenics.

There are many innovations in the laboratories and greenhouses set up with resistance to fungi, bacteria and drought that improve yield and nutritional characteristics of food. Thus, the use of biotechnology can range from trees that produce better woods, improved flowers, more nutritious rice and drought-resistant plants to areas that run out of water. The big challenge is to streamline regulatory systems between Argentina and the countries that buy them. The technology is developed, but it is missing the complete innovation. This means that its use extends from the development of the technology till the time the farmer sows the seeds.

Argentina has 40 million inhabitants and produces food for 400 million people. Agriculture is very important for economic as well as social role. Over time, all the technologies used to produce more and more food have to be maintained and incorporated. Biotechnology is a highly controlled technology and contributes to sustainability because it reduces the use of agrochemicals, the use of tillage and allows adaptation to climate change. It is found to be safe for humans. Agricultural biotechnology sector possesses both humanitarian and commercial role.